What makes you happy?
I accepted the internet’s challenge of documenting 100 consecutive days of being happy. As I continue to acclimate to life in the Boston area, being engaged and making our house into a home, I feel like I’ll be grateful for some record of this special time in my life. I started the project using facebook but just switched it over to instagram in attempt to gain some familiarity with this “new-ish” to me social media platform. If you’re curious as to what makes me happy for the next 98 days, you can follow me here: http://instagram.com/tammygolson. If you’re interested in joining me, I’d love to see what makes you happy as well. Her is the link to the #100happydays project.
Today thoughts of this infinity pool in Costa Rica are making me very happy. I’m a lucky lady, it looks like my first bridal shower has the fitting location of a rainforest in Costa Rica with some of my dearest friends from my college days. What a perfect antidote to this brutal winter many of us have been subjected to.
Hope you’re finding fun ways to stay warm.