A friend recently reached out in search of luxury venues in Newport for a work retreat. I happily compiled a list of my favorites and am excited to share the list here. If you know couples who are newly engaged, planning weddings or looking for a little support as they approach their wedding day, please consider sharing my
website, or introduce us by text or email.
3.) Gurney’s is new, but it’s an exciting option. They also have a location on Montauk.
6.) Or if you’re looking for a mansion, I’ve seen great images of events at
And if Rhode Island makes sense but Newport doesn’t feel quite right, we planned a beautiful wedding on Block Island last summer and we’d love to help you explore this truly special destination.
The photo above was from a photo shoot I partiicpated in a while back in Newport. The team behind the photo shoot was:
More images from this shoot are featured
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