Have you been to the New England Flower Exchange? It’s a great place to look for design inspiration for your wedding or special event. It’s an excellent opportunity for me to get aqauinted with clients and see what they are drawn to in terms of colors, flowers, textures, vessles and more. I usually let my clients take the lead and I follow closely behind snapping photos on my iphone and answering questions. On this trip, Sarah from Brilliant Event Planning, my partner in the Boston Planners Dining Club and I took the lead walking the market and exploring all it’s many treasures, and we were accompanied by the talented Binita Patel and her professional camera. Binita will be photographing our next dinner and she wanted to document us in action, in our element and it was so much fun. Thank you Sarah and Binita for this creative, beautiful and inspirining morning.
This Exchange’s vendors sell wholesale and it is not open to the general public. If you are interested in visiting the exchange and you do not own a business, please reach out and we’ll be happy to help coordinate a visit.